Craigslist has been making a lot of moves to ensure that third party developers get off its lawn, but the listings giant is also, it seems, trying to make that lawn a little more attractive for residents. At some point not too long ago it seems, the site quietly introduced a feature that lets users view images inline, on the same page as category listings, and when you hover your cursor on the thumbnail image, it enlarges. In the past, users would have had to click through to specific entries to see those pictures; this feature makes that no longer the case, at least in some categories. It's a small move, both figuratively and literally. But it's a sign that Craigslist itself is incorporating some of the features that third parties have been developing for sites that utilized listings "scraped" from Craigslist.?The improvements come at the same time that Craigslist has been making a lot of moves to restrict how its content gets used elsewhere.?Most notably, it has sent
cease and desist letters to those sites that scrape its data to use in third-party listings services; and some of those have progressed into actual
lawsuits. Craigslist also cut off the ability for
Google and other search engines to index its listings in its cache, by excluding high-level categories in its
robots.txt file. And last week it began to display an
exclusivity clause for all new postings, although now that exclusivity clause
has been removed again.
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