Cliff Bumgardner will discuss his short film during History ? la Carte: Behind the Film: Vic Spence, A Documentary of Life and War on Wednesday, March 13, at the N.C. Museum of History. CREDIT: Rachel Braun
?The rate at which we are losing World War II veterans today is staggering,? says filmmaker Cliff Bumgardner. ?Their stories must be told, recorded and played back for future generations so that we never forget what these amazing men and women did for our country.?
Raleigh resident Vic Spence fought on Iwo Jima during World War II and witnessed the iconic moment when six Marines raised the United States? flag on Mount Suribachi. Over 60 years later, Bumgardner captured the story in his first documentary.
Bumgardner will discuss his short film during History ? la Carte: Behind the Film: Vic Spence, A Documentary of Life and War on Wednesday, March 13, from 12:10 to 1 p.m. at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh. In the film, the Marine Corps veteran and Purple Heart recipient tells his story in his own words. Admission is free. Bring your lunch; beverages will be provided.
View the documentary and talk to its 20-year-old director about the war and modern storytelling through film. Vic Spence chronicles the veteran?s journey from childhood to Parris Island and Iwo Jima to his 40 years of service in law enforcement.
For more information about the Museum of History, call 919-807-7900 or access ncmuseumofhistory.org or Facebook.
About the N.C. Museum of History
The museum is located at 5 E. Edenton Street, across from the State Capitol. Parking is available in the lot across Wilmington Street. Hours areMonday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. The Museum of History, within the Division of State History Museums, is part of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources.
About the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources
The N.C. Department of Cultural Resources annually serves more than 19 million people through its 27 historic sites, seven history museums, two art museums, the nation?s first state-supported symphony orchestra, the State Library, the N.C. Arts Council, and the State Archives. Cultural Resources champions North Carolina?s creative industry, which employs nearly 300,000 North Carolinians and contributes more than $41 billion to the state?s economy. To learn more, visit www.ncdcr.gov.
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Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/event/documentary-highlights-raleigh-ww-ii-veteran/
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