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Six Minutes weekend reviews bring the best public speaking articles to you.
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It?s been a while since our last weekend review. Here?s what we?ve published since then:
It?s informal, off the cuff, in the back room, to thank his campaign workers in Chicago. Here we see him uncut, ?in the raw?. Instead of grandeur we have empathy. Rhetoric gives way to intimacy. The statesman turns fatherly, ?the public man speaks privately. What stands out is his humility. He doesn?t talk about himself, or the campaign or the win ? he talks about them, how proud and impressed he is with them, his confidence in the great things they?ll do. He?s ?moved to tears.
Written scripts that are read can be electrifying, and presentations that are internalized can be deadly. Preparation, sensitivity to the audience, and delivery will carry the day in almost all cases.
In business, in my experience, written scripts are a liability. We expect our experts to be able to talk about their area of expertise without the aid of a text.
And business leaders, although they may not be experts in all aspects of the business, need to convey their leadership expertise by creating a bond with their listeners by getting away from a text, and into the ears and eyes ?hearts and minds?of those they lead and seek to influence.
Let?s think about what a visual aid actually is: communication through the visual medium. ?A billboard, a magazine layout, and a newspaper ad are examples of visual communication. ?A slide is also an example of visual communication. ?Since they have become so easy to use and readily available on our computers, we?ve come to believe slides ARE the presentation. ?Through bad habits, we think slides serve the same purpose as a handout. ?Because of these bad habits, and because we believe these habits to be the way and the truth, we hate presentations, but we can?t figure out why.
What are the first words that come to mind when someone says ?data?? Probably something along the lines of ?boring?, ?tedious? and ?complicated?. There?s little chance ?exciting? or ?engaging? came to mind. Data and statistics have something of a bad rap, and understandably so. If they aren?t used in a creative and engaging way, they can easily be the death knell of a presentation. The line between a presentation that can change the world, and one that?s classic Death by PowerPoint is surprisingly fine, and your use of data can be a make or break moment.
4. Offer solutions or alternative ideas
If you are specific in your feedback, then offer solutions for how the person could improve in the future. This also shows the recipient of the criticism the intent of the feedback and instills good will.
5. Avoid the accusatory ?you need to??
They really don?t need to do anything! ?You need to?? implies there is one right way to create art. There is not. Criticism is an opinion.
6. Links to ?handouts.?
I wish more speakers would tweet links to further reading, detailed charts or lists of tips that would have been handouts in your presentations of the past. No need to save them until after your talk?you may get smarter questions this way. It?s also an excellent way to plan a talk when you want to use detail and data wisely, but not too well.
Andrew Dlugan ?is the editor and founder of Six Minutes. He teaches courses, leads seminars, coaches speakers, and strives to avoid Suicide by PowerPoint. He is an award-winning public speaker and speech evaluator. Andrew is a father and husband who resides in British Columbia, Canada.4. A photo shoot
Those headshots are out of date, face it. And the temptation to do it on the cheap and get your kid to take some shots in the living room with a point-and-shoot will yield cheap-looking shots. Give your speaker the gift of a professional photographer and get it done right.
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Company?s cloud-based streaming architecture helps large broadcaster target mobile devices to foster network-wide audience growth
BAYSIDE, CALIFORNIA, November 28, 2012 ? Content delivery network and streaming media provider StreamGuys Inc. now supports all live and on-demand audio streaming for The Radio Network (TRN) of New Zealand ? helping one of the nation?s largest broadcasters improve audio quality and expand its streaming footprint beyond the desktop.
TRN operates 124 stations in 25 markets across the country, offering seven distinct brands that broadcast news, talk, sports and music. The broadcaster migrated to StreamGuys based on its desire to move into mobile streaming, which it identifies as a key growth area. TRN has since launched iPhone and Android mobile streams for key brands and stations, with StreamGuys delivering multiple services including program audio and branded apps developed by Jacobs Media.
?We see streaming media as an important platform for radio as listening moves to other devices,? said Carolyn Luey, Group General Manager for digital at The Radio Network. ?Our strategy for digital is to increase the number of touchpoints into our audience. The mobile smartphone is a critical part of this strategy.?
Luey notes that StreamGuys helps TRN deliver ?the full radio experience? through live audio and video streaming. StreamGuys? ability to support multiple audio formats over its cloud-based streaming architecture has simplified TRN?s workload, eliminating multiple format transcoding steps from their side.
?StreamGuys transcodes our streams into all the formats we need for delivery to many devices, including mobile,? said Wayne Sleeman, broadcast engineering manager at The Radio Network. ?This would not have been possible with our previous streaming architecture.?
Sleeman and Luey both express that audio quality has improved since migrating to StreamGuys, offering live mp3 and HE-AAC streams to all listeners. Reliability has also improved through StreamGuys? cloud-based architecture, which supports high availability, strong redundancy and flexibility to scale on short notice.
The scalability aspect is one that especially resonates with Sleeman. ?There is a lot of flexibility to the StreamGuys architecture,? he said. ?I can have a new stream up and configured by StreamGuys within a couple of hours and without a lot of aggravation.?
The flexibility of the StreamGuys architecture extends to video, which TRN has just started to explore. The broadcaster launched a live DJ stream for its NewsTalk ZB format that is gradually building numbers ? with Luey adding that stronger video emphasis is likely as more homes throughout New Zealand add fiber connections.
StreamGuys is also providing a comprehensive business software package through it architecture with detailed reporting and monitoring services. The two primary resources are SGMon, a concurrency monitoring service that provides per-stream data; and SGReports, which provides richer audience details within custom reports.
?The ability to help our customers reliably reach more devices and strategize future growth neatly summarizes the role of a full-service streaming media provider in today?s broadcast market,? said Jonathan Speaker, COO, StreamGuys. ?The Radio Network of New Zealand is an ideal example of how radio broadcasters are expanding their streaming media footprint into mobile and video to reach more listeners and entertain audiences in fresh ways.?
About The Radio Network (TRN)
The Radio Network operates 124 stations in New Zealand under nine brands including Newstalk ZB, ZM, Classic Hits, Radio Sport, Radio Hauraki, Coast and Flava. The Radio Network is jointly owned by Clear Channel Media + Entertainment and APN News and Media through Australian Radio Network. (
About StreamGuys, Inc.
In business since 2000, StreamGuys is a provider of audio and video streaming services. The company has a reputation for outstanding customer service, a robust and reliable network, and competitive rates. More than 600 clients worldwide, across many industries, depend on their mission-critical service. Projects include serving as the technology backbone for live streaming/podcasting for top public broadcasters such as New York Public Radio, WAMU Washington D.C., KQED San Francisco and WXPN Philadelphia; live video events for major auto racing circuits and the British Royal Wedding; audio streaming for government entities such as D.C. Court of Appeals, U.S. Army, and the National Science Foundation; mobile video content for Cisco Systems; and IPTV content for international broadcaster ABS-CBN.
# # #
StreamGuys, Inc ? ? ? 707.667.9479
P.O. Box 828 Arcata, California 95518 ? fax 707.516.0009
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While picking at the bones of a hippo carcass, one hyena takes a quick break to attack another.
Early one morning I caught sight of Morpheus, silhouetted against a pink African dawn. Her long, sloping neck was stretched out as she loped away from me, disappearing over a hill. I followed her to a nearby plain and was met with the unmistakable sound of a group of hyenas squabbling over a carcass. Morpheus entered the fray, first lunging at a smaller male on her right. A moment later, she looked up briefly, her nose and mouth covered in blood, then turned and snapped at a hyena feeding nearby.
I?m intimately acquainted with Morpheus and these other hyenas because they have been studied for more than twenty years by various members of the lab where I did my Ph.D. research; I?ve staked these hyenas out at dens for hours on end and followed them as they raced across open plains. From watching these animals, we?ve learned about hyenas? social system, their physiology, and the conservation challenges they face.
But to me, it?s the aggression that is the most fascinating thing about hyenas. It?s rule-based and constrained by specific social norms, but at the same time, it?s incredibly primal and ruthless. Studying aggression has helped us understand what makes hyenas tick, offering us a glimpse into the evolutionary pressures that have made them one of the most unusual and misunderstood species in the animal kingdom.
Formidable females
For more than 1000 years, people believed that hyenas were hermaphrodites, since female hyenas have long, fully-erectile pseudopenises that mimic male genitalia. Seeing a hyena play the role of mom while sporting what looks like a penis would bewilder even an astute naturalist. Not only do female hyenas look like males, they are also the more aggressive and socially dominant sex, exhibiting aggression more than three times more often than male hyenas do.
For many animals, too much aggression is detrimental, at least in terms of reproductive success; in baboons, aggressive females have reduced fertility and increased rates of miscarriage , and in western bluebirds, overly-aggressive males tend to fledge fewer offspring than other males. But in these species, males are generally more aggressive than females; how is aggressiveness related to fitness in a species where females are the more aggressive sex?
Life in the clan
Three young hyenas gang up in an aggressive coalition against a low-ranking female.
Hyenas live in huge social groups called clans that are structured by a ?linear dominance hierarchy.? That?s the scientific way of saying that in these societies, a high-ranking individual is dominant to every lower-ranking animal in the clan: Morpheus is dominant to Scrabble, who is dominant to Hendrix, and so on. For hyenas, social rank isn?t just a title or a badge of honor. Rank determines access to food, so a high-ranking hyena like Morpheus can drive a lower-ranking hyena off a kill at any time, no matter who hunted or scavenged the meat.
Social rank also plays an important role in aggressive behavior among hyenas, since dominance determines who can exhibit aggression toward whom. Aggression is nearly always directed down the hierarchy, toward lower-ranking hyenas (and if a hyena disregards this rule, it?s not taken lightly by other clan members). This means that the highest-ranking hyenas have a lot of opportunities for aggression ? they can attack nearly any other hyena in the clan ? whereas lower-ranking hyenas have far fewer possible targets. Aggression can occur over food, in defense of cubs, or to reprimand a pesky suitor.
But unlike many species, aggression doesn?t dictate social rank among hyenas; instead, social rank is inherited. Hyenas are stuck with their lot in life, unable to move up the hierarchy. So does all this aggression actually benefit hyenas, and if so, how?
The implications of aggression
Aggressiveness, it turns out, varies drastically among hyenas; some hyenas tend to threaten ? or outright attack ? group members more frequently than others do. There is more than a five-fold difference in the aggression rates of the least aggressive and the most aggressive females, even after controlling for social rank and the number of opportunities for aggression.
This type of consistent variation in behavior, called ?animal personality,? is being found in several traits, such as sociability, boldness, and docility, across many species. And aggressiveness, like other personality traits, can have major implications for fitness. However, for hyenas, aggression doesn?t affect fitness by improving a hyena?s own survival; aggressive females don?t live longer or survive at higher rates than others that attack less often.
Instead, the benefits of aggressiveness are seen later down the line, in the survival of offspring. Female hyenas that are particularly aggressive over food successfully rear a larger proportion of their cubs to adulthood than do females that aggress less often over food. But interestingly, the benefits of aggressiveness depend on social rank. For high-ranking hyenas, aggressiveness doesn?t matter much in terms of reproductive success; the offspring of dominant females do well no matter how aggressive their mom is. However, for hyenas low on the totem pole, aggression plays an important role in reproductive success, greatly improving their offspring?s odds of surviving until adulthood. But how?
Competition and reputations
It all comes down to acquiring resources for your offspring. High-ranking hyenas already have prime access to food, so being super-aggressive at a kill or carcass isn?t a huge advantage. However, for hyenas low on the totem pole, being able to secure a little extra food for a cub could mean the difference between its survival and starvation.
A hyena cub snuggles with its mother at the den.
When cubs begin eating meat at around 4 months of age, they start visiting kills with their moms. But as these cubs attempt to eat, they are often harassed by older hyenas and chased off the carcass. Additionally, these young hyenas have another disadvantage when it comes to feeding: their skulls haven?t finished developing yet. Although being able to crush bone is a big benefit for hyenas evolutionarily, it?s a huge morphological handicap for cubs. It takes up to 35 months for a hyena?s skull to develop the integrity and strength to crack bone, so until about three years of age, young hyenas feed more slowly and less efficiently than adults. Combine this physical disadvantage with the incredible feeding competition seen at kills, and cubs ? especially low-ranking ones ? often don?t get much to eat during these communal feeding situations.
Here?s where a mom?s aggressiveness comes in: we found that the cubs of aggressive females are tolerated better, and are able to feed longer, at these kills than the cubs of less aggressive females are. By being super-aggressive, moms secure extra feeding time and valuable calories for their cubs during this particularly handicapped period in their lives. Although we don?t completely understand the process yet, aggressive females appear to develop a type of ?mean girl? reputation within the clan that gives their offspring a boost early in life. This effect is incredibly strong and persists even when the mom isn?t present at the kill, allowing cubs to benefit from their mom?s aggressiveness even in her absence. This increased access to resources benefits low-ranking hyenas disproportionately, since they generally have very limited access to food.
A combination of behavioral, morphological, and ecological research has helped us begin to understand why these highly aggressive and masculinized females have been favored evolutionarily. But even after 20 years of intensive research, there?s so much more to learn; we still aren?t sure what the functions and implications of male aggression are, and it?s possible that there are consequences of aggression in females that we haven?t yet discovered.
Morpheus and her clanmates are still being observed, and you can follow the trials, tribulations, and musings of the researchers studying these hyenas out in the field at the Mara Hyena Project blog.
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SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) ? A federal judge has recused himself from presiding over a $1.2 billion defamation lawsuit against ABC because his daughter-in-law works as a producer on one of the network's morning shows.
Judge Lawrence L. Piersol recused himself from hearing the defamation lawsuit filed by South Dakota-based Beef Products Inc. against ABC because his daughter-in-law works as a producer on "Good Morning America."
The case has been reassigned to Chief Judge Karen Schreier.
Beef Products Inc. sued ABC in September over its coverage of a meat product called lean, finely textured beef. Critics have dubbed the product "pink slime." The meat processor claims the network damaged the company by misleading consumers into believing the product is unhealthy and unsafe.
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A study reveals newly attached men buy more expensive gifts than their female counterparts.
We often complain that men are so hard to shop for, but could he be the one who?s actually stressing over your holiday gift this year? A new study from suggests so, reporting that guys are more likely than women to shell out the big bucks on presents when they?re in a new relationship.
It turns out they expect more from their new gal too ? but they shouldn't hold their breaths, because we're not too keen on returning the favor.?The study found that a measly 5% percent of women would spend more than?$100 on their new partner, whereas 22% of men say they?d splurge for their new girlfriend.
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So are we ladies just being cheap ??or are guys being indulgent? I?d say it?s the latter; guys tend to use that first gift as a measure of their devotion ? which would explain why 15% percent of men said they would end the relationship (!) if their new significant other didn?t spend enough on them ??and only 11% of women found a gift?s price tag to be a deal breaker.?So much for that ?gold digger? stigma. Also: really, guys?! A deal breaker?
Thinking back on my last relationship and his first holiday gift, I remember my guy doing his research. He consulted his sister, mom, female friends, and even asked me subtle questions to find the perfect gift. When he ended up presenting me with a beautiful new watch, I was shocked by how many friends and family members commented on the gift ??and by extension, what he keeper he was.
More from YourTango: Last Chance: Win A $25 Starbucks Gift Card From YourTango!
He wasn't. That said, it might be time to give credit where credit is due: guys aren't always as clueless when it comes to gift-giving as we like to think. It all?boils down to the gesture that the first gift represents; it's the first time a guy is showing you he cares, and he wants to put his best foot forward. Could an extravagant gift also feed his ego? Perhaps?but I?m not complaining. (Also, check in with that guy a few years into the relationship. His gift-giving prowess may not be what it used to be.)
How important is first holiday gift to you? Do you expect him to spend a certain amount? Do you expect him to spend more than you?
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Decmber 1 is when Santa is making an early appearance at the 55th annual Jacksonville Christmas Parade. Starting at 1 p.m. at 5 Municipal Drive, bring the whole family out to enjoy a fun day filled with fun.?The proceeds benefit the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club. Call 501-982-4316 for more information.
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Contact: Markus Bauer
European Space Agency
Using ESA's Herschel space observatory, astronomers have discovered vast comet belts surrounding two nearby planetary systems known to host only Earth-to-Neptune-mass worlds. The comet reservoirs could have delivered life-giving oceans to the innermost planets.
In a previous Herschel study, scientists found that the dusty belt surrounding nearby star Fomalhaut must be maintained by collisions between comets.
In the new Herschel study, two more nearby planetary systems GJ 581 and 61 Vir have been found to host vast amounts of cometary debris.
Herschel detected the signatures of cold dust at 200C below freezing, in quantities that mean these systems must have at least 10 times more comets than in our own Solar System's Kuiper Belt.
GJ 581, or Gliese 581, is a low-mass M dwarf star, the most common type of star in the Galaxy. Earlier studies have shown that it hosts at least four planets, including one that resides in the 'Goldilocks Zone' the distance from the central sun where liquid surface water could exist.
Two planets are confirmed around G-type star 61 Vir, which is just a little less massive than our Sun.
The planets in both systems are known as 'super-Earths', covering a range of masses between 2 and 18 times that of Earth.
Interestingly, however, there is no evidence for giant Jupiter- or Saturn-mass planets in either system.
The gravitational interplay between Jupiter and Saturn in our own Solar System is thought to have been responsible for disrupting a once highly populated Kuiper Belt, sending a deluge of comets towards the inner planets in a cataclysmic event that lasted several million years.
"The new observations are giving us a clue: they're saying that in the Solar System we have giant planets and a relatively sparse Kuiper Belt, but systems with only low-mass planets often have much denser Kuiper belts," says Dr Mark Wyatt from the University of Cambridge, lead author of the paper focusing on the debris disc around 61 Vir.
"We think that may be because the absence of a Jupiter in the low-mass planet systems allows them to avoid a dramatic heavy bombardment event, and instead experience a gradual rain of comets over billions of years."
"For an older star like GJ 581, which is at least two billion years old, enough time has elapsed for such a gradual rain of comets to deliver a sizable amount of water to the innermost planets, which is of particular importance for the planet residing in the star's habitable zone," adds Dr Jean-Francois Lestrade of the Observatoire de Paris who led the work on GJ 581.
However, in order to produce the vast amount of dust seen by Herschel, collisions between the comets are needed, which could be triggered by a Neptune-sized planet residing close to the disc.
"Simulations show us that the known close-in planets in each of these systems cannot do the job, but a similarly-sized planet located much further from the star currently beyond the reach of current detection campaigns would be able to stir the disc to make it dusty and observable," says Dr Lestrade.
"Herschel is finding a correlation between the presence of massive debris discs and planetary systems with no Jupiter-class planets, which offers a clue to our understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve," says Gran Pilbratt, ESA's Herschel project scientist.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Markus Bauer
European Space Agency
Using ESA's Herschel space observatory, astronomers have discovered vast comet belts surrounding two nearby planetary systems known to host only Earth-to-Neptune-mass worlds. The comet reservoirs could have delivered life-giving oceans to the innermost planets.
In a previous Herschel study, scientists found that the dusty belt surrounding nearby star Fomalhaut must be maintained by collisions between comets.
In the new Herschel study, two more nearby planetary systems GJ 581 and 61 Vir have been found to host vast amounts of cometary debris.
Herschel detected the signatures of cold dust at 200C below freezing, in quantities that mean these systems must have at least 10 times more comets than in our own Solar System's Kuiper Belt.
GJ 581, or Gliese 581, is a low-mass M dwarf star, the most common type of star in the Galaxy. Earlier studies have shown that it hosts at least four planets, including one that resides in the 'Goldilocks Zone' the distance from the central sun where liquid surface water could exist.
Two planets are confirmed around G-type star 61 Vir, which is just a little less massive than our Sun.
The planets in both systems are known as 'super-Earths', covering a range of masses between 2 and 18 times that of Earth.
Interestingly, however, there is no evidence for giant Jupiter- or Saturn-mass planets in either system.
The gravitational interplay between Jupiter and Saturn in our own Solar System is thought to have been responsible for disrupting a once highly populated Kuiper Belt, sending a deluge of comets towards the inner planets in a cataclysmic event that lasted several million years.
"The new observations are giving us a clue: they're saying that in the Solar System we have giant planets and a relatively sparse Kuiper Belt, but systems with only low-mass planets often have much denser Kuiper belts," says Dr Mark Wyatt from the University of Cambridge, lead author of the paper focusing on the debris disc around 61 Vir.
"We think that may be because the absence of a Jupiter in the low-mass planet systems allows them to avoid a dramatic heavy bombardment event, and instead experience a gradual rain of comets over billions of years."
"For an older star like GJ 581, which is at least two billion years old, enough time has elapsed for such a gradual rain of comets to deliver a sizable amount of water to the innermost planets, which is of particular importance for the planet residing in the star's habitable zone," adds Dr Jean-Francois Lestrade of the Observatoire de Paris who led the work on GJ 581.
However, in order to produce the vast amount of dust seen by Herschel, collisions between the comets are needed, which could be triggered by a Neptune-sized planet residing close to the disc.
"Simulations show us that the known close-in planets in each of these systems cannot do the job, but a similarly-sized planet located much further from the star currently beyond the reach of current detection campaigns would be able to stir the disc to make it dusty and observable," says Dr Lestrade.
"Herschel is finding a correlation between the presence of massive debris discs and planetary systems with no Jupiter-class planets, which offers a clue to our understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve," says Gran Pilbratt, ESA's Herschel project scientist.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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If there's anything that Walmart didn't need on Black Friday weekend, it was a jaw-dropping headline about somebody dying in their parking lot after a run-in with a couple of employees. Unfortunately for the big box retailer, that's exactly what happened on early Sunday morning at a store in Lithonia, Georgia.
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Before rebels known as M23 split up Congo any further, the United Nations must help this giant African nation find a unifying identity. The same goes for Rwanda.
By the Monitor's Editorial Board / November 25, 2012
People flee a town near Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo after rebels known as M23 took over parts of eastern Congo last week.
EnlargeSome countries that split apart should trouble the world?s conscience more than others. Congo, as one of the largest and most violence-prone in Africa, is one of them.
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Last week, a few thousand armed rebels known as M23 took over Goma, the most important city in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Given that more than five million people have died in fighting there since 1997, the United Nations is rightly alarmed.
It is one thing if Spain?s Catalonia or Britain?s Scotland should split off. Separatism by voting, whether caused by ethnic or religion differences, doesn?t usually entail violence. Europe knows by experience not to change borders by war. But a fracturing of Congo by arms might be akin to the current civil war in Syria, where Alawites and Kurds could splinter that country at the heart of the Middle East.
Congo lies at the heart of Africa and has long been burdened by killing over its vast mineral wealth, tribal hostilities, and interventions by troubled neighbors. Mass rape has become a favored tactic of armed groups. And UN peacekeepers in the eastern provinces, known by their acronym Monusco, have too often stood by as massacres took place.
UN passivity in Congo is in contrast to the NATO and UN action in the 1990s to defend Kosovo from Serbia and later help it become independent. With so many nations now troubled by secession movements ? from Burma to Belgium to Mali and even in the United States ? the world needs a consistent, nonviolent response to such tensions over national identity.
Congo, like many former colonies, has yet to develop a unifying identity based on shared values and interests. It held its first democratic elections only in 2006. The government of President Joseph Kabila is weak, causing a corrupt Army to falter in defending the nation?s territory.
The size of western Europe, Congro can barely stand up to tiny Rwanda, which backs the M23 rebels, according to the UN. The rebels are part of a proxy fight between Rwanda?s ruling Tutsis and the Hutus who were behind the country?s 1994 genocide. Carving out a new country in eastern Congo under Tutsi control would serve the interests of Rwanda?s ruling (and minority) Tutsis.
Western pressure on Rwanda to end its meddling in Congo can only be effective if it also address the fears of Tutsis. The UN also needs to bolster Congo unity and nationalism through better peacekeeping and massive development. Land disputes in the eastern provinces are a big driver of violence.
The world has one recent example in how to help a fractured nation. The UN, led by the US, assisted southern Sudan and its largely nonMuslim population in splitting off from the Arab-dominated north. Now the UN must focus as intently on Congo, where some 60,000 people have already been displaced by last week?s rebel action. The world needs to set up more models of nations that overcome their internal differences peacefully.
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Some silences cannot be broken by simple questions such as 'why?' or 'how could you?'. The kind of silence that lingered in between two people whose fates were once bound and were now estranged was one such silence; it was a thick, smothering, silence only interrupted by occasional pacing and heavy breathing that echoed through the dark dungeon-like basement.
?I used to believe everyone was innocent once. It was just my way to blame the world for my actions, I guess... As if saying that Life has tainted me through no fault of my own; if I am evil, it?s because I was made to be so. The world decided my fate for me, so why should I ever be responsible??
?No, no... Not done talking. Don?t be rude now.? The young black haired man said; a slightly manic giggle escaping him as he gave the, bleeding, shackled woman a condescending pat on the head. ?Besides, you shouldn't bother wasting your breath and dignity with pleading. Pleading won?t get you out of here. Actually; nothing short of Divine intervention could save you from me, and until now the Gods have never bothered with stopping me. Not for anyone. I doubt that, after everything they allowed me to do, they would intervene for you.?
The dim light of torches on the moldy stone walls reflected off the woman?s pleading green eyes as she stared into the darkness of his gaze, as if searching for something that was no longer present, and she knew it was true; the end. Acceptance at last. He smiled, a much softer smile, almost compassionate as he stared back at her, his eyes lighting up from their usual hollow black color to an only slightly lighter tone of grey; a very discrete change, but noticeable enough to the woman as his eyes were locked with hers. ?Now we understand each other.? He spoke softly.
?You can kill me, fine...? She spoke, a shuddering breath escaping her as the pain of her wounds seemed to come alive at the simple act of speech. ?I?m sure once I?m dead you will feel better, so why wait any longer??
?I appreciate the consent, but like I said... Not done talking.? He muttered in reply, the thin branch of bamboo that had been his latest punishing instrument still secure in his hand. A smirk crossed his features as he lifted the branch and caught a wince from his captive. ?You think you know pain...? He snickered softly, running the tip of the instrument across her left cheek, almost in a caress. ?As I was saying...? He grinned, pulling the instrument away from the woman?s skin abruptly as if he was going to suddenly strike her with it, but pulling away instead. ?I used to believe in innocence, but now I?m not sure anymore. Some would argue that if innocence can be so easily destroyed, there is actually no such thing as innocence in the world, but... How can something not exist, if it can be destroyed? I was told, a part of me is innocent. I was told, I am soulless. I was told I can choose my path, and I was told that my fate is sealed. I was given many answers, and come to no conclusions. This... This probably won?t change anything, but I would still like to hear it from you... Do you believe in innocence??
?A bit late for me to teach you right from wrong, don?t you agree?? The woman replied softly. ?I assume my answer won?t do anything to change the outcome of this, correct??
?This isn?t a matter of ?right? or ?wrong?. My question has to do with human nature.? He explained, pacing away from the bound woman and dragging a chair from the dark area of the room and into the torchlit circle, sitting on the blood stained piece of furniture he looked up at her as if expecting her to tell him a story. ?I?m asking if you believe all human beings are born innocent, or if some of us are born fated to be evil.? he shrugged dismissively; a half-smile marking his features. ?...And no, there is no answer you can give that will change the outcome of this. You are going to die down here, and I will be the only one around to hear your final breath.?
The woman took a couple of deep breaths as if trying to push the pain away enough to stay coherent, her voice coming out more steady this time as she spoke. ?Honestly, I believe that it doesn?t matter what the truth is. Either way, you are searching for an excuse. If you are born evil, then this is not your fault, because it?s in your nature. If you are born innocent then it?s not your fault because the world made you this way... I?m not going to choose one and give you a reason why you are not responsible for your actions. You want to know what I believe? I believe nature is irrelevant here. You are only a monster because you chose to act like one.?
?Really? Personally I?d say my choices are irrelevant to the subject at hand. I mean, yes I could have chosen to act according to what is socially accepted as ?good?, but wouldn?t change the fact that this is what feels right to me. To me, this is ?good?. What I want to know is why. If this is something anyone would feel if they had been in my particular situation or if it was something I would still feel if my situation was entirely different.?
?Is that why you torture people? To see if they turn out like you?? The woman muttered. ?Are you that desperately alone??
?I don?t always torture people, no... Just in certain occasions. You should be glad.? He snickered softly. ?You are still special to me after all this time.?
?That only answers half my question.? She pointed out.
?We?re not here so you can have answers.? He replied, an angered tone suddenly raising his voice. ?I don?t owe you answers. I owe you nothing.?
?You want to know about human nature, yes? Well, we are social creatures by nature, the fear of being alone is a great motivator... You don?t want to know why you are... Evil... You want to know why you feel lonely.?
The man stood up abruptly, an angered glare in his eyes as he struck the woman swiftly across the face with the bamboo branch, opening a bloody gash across her cheek. ?Don?t tell me how I feel.? He warned; his voice soft yet intense and undeniably dangerous. ?Don?t try to act like you know me. Answer the question: Do you believe that we are all born innocent??
The woman responded with a groan of pain and anger, her face turned away from his dark gaze, her breathing shallow as if the new punishment had brought back the pain of all the others. She knew there was no way to leave that room alive and she also knew that he would not let her die until she gave him an answer... Yet she resisted. Maybe in some level they both knew this was the only thing close to a bond they would ever share and didn?t want to see it end just yet, maybe she just didn?t want to give him the satisfaction... Whatever the reason, they both suddenly fell into a dense and stubborn silence, as if daring each other to speak another word and break the moment. When finally she couldn?t keep from turning to face him once more, she found him standing with his arms crossed over his chest, an emotionless expression and an intense dark stare in his eyes that nearly burned its way right through her. The only sounds to echo in that filthy dark dungeon was that of breaths and heartbeats as she once again searched his eyes and found herself gazing into two windows to an empty and endless abyss. Tears began to form in her eyes as if for the first time she actually asked herself what could make a person this way and as they began to run down her face the silence was broken.
?I?m waiting.? He told her, unmoved by the display of emotion from the woman, or perhaps it was the tears that had moved him to speak even if he seemed uncaring as to what they represented.
?Why... What does it matter to you, what I think?? She asked, attempting to keep her voice steady, her breaths coming out shakened as if she was struggling not to break into a sobbing mess. ?What are you after really??
?I?ve told you... You are still special to me even now. Perhaps not in the way it would be prefered, but nonetheless: Special. All the others were a matter of instant gratification, but not you... Our moments, however brief they may be, will be mine to cherish long after they end and I will finally have something of yours in me after all these years. It?s unlikely this will bring me peace, or make me better, but it?s the only way I know to move on from you.? A half smile formed itself on his lips as he averted his eyes from her, staring into the darkest corner of the room as if the sight of shadows brought him some level of comfort. ?You left me and moved on. You forgot me and made a life for yourself. You lived all this time while I died and went to hell. I may have done the things I?ve done, and be the monster I admit that I am, but I still deserve to move on the same as you. If this is the only thing you have left in you to give, I will take it because you owe me.? As he turned his eyes back to her his smile shut completely. ?I?ve given you more answers than you deserve. If I recall correctly, this is how it always goes with us; I give you more than you deserve, and get nothing... Not this time though. This time I get what I want... Or I will make sure to play out in details what my reality has been from the day you left me. It?ll only take six years or so to go through it all, and I?ve got nothing but time.?
The woman exhaled, a choking sound escaping her; it could have been originally laughter or a whimper, it was hard to tell. ?Which is more important, I wonder... Hurting me, or knowing me??
?A bit late to try and pretend you want to know me now...? He muttered. ?...I can always do both, if you rather. I was trying to show some level of... Leniency, in exchange for the answer though, since it is clear that either way I will kill you. I?m not known for my fairness, so I suggest you stop stalling me before I change my mind completely.?
This time she laughed without a doubt, even though the sound was weak it was clearly, undoubtedly, laughter. ?You know the answer already now, don?t you? You just want to hear me say it.? Her laughter ended in a small coughing fit and she was forced to take a few moments to breathe before speaking any further. ?It?s fair, I suppose... I do owe you this much... Gabriel...?
?Luckas.? He stopped her. ?It?s Luckas now.?
She sighed, shaking her head at the interruption and moving forward with what she meant to say. ?...Gabriel was an innocent boy. He was born innocent, and for what you told me of your life he died innocent. You were born evil, you?ve lived an evil life, my guess is that this is how you?ll die, but I can?t be certain. My opinion? We are all born innocent, and we are all fated to be guilty sooner or later. You asked me this because you wanted me to admit, and take responsibility for you... You know this is what would hurt the most, but I can?t give you that. I can take responsibility for the boy I abandoned, but you are far from being him. And now you know that for a fact.? Another coughing fit stopped her speech, a few specks of blood dropping to the floor at her feet. The next breath was a difficult one, but she managed to take it and speak. ?I am responsible for my child?s death... I can?t be responsible for your life.?
Luckas was silent as the woman spoke, his eyes momentarily closing as if he struggled to accept her words, but eventually continuing to stare at her with intense curiosity until she spoke her final word. His expression was unaffected overall, as if everything spoken there was simply something new to consider, and not something that pertained to his own personal history. ?Children.? He stated simply. ?There were two of us, in case you don?t remember. Of course I can?t speak for my brother, nor could he speak for himself if he was standing here alive... He never spoke again after that day.?
?Are we through now?? She asked, turning her face away from him in the direction of the dark area he had looked into earlier, but unable to turn around enough to know if there was anything actually there to see. ?You have your answer.?
?So I do... And you and I share a common trait. You may take responsibility for what you have done, but you... Are not sorry. I?m not used to the feeling myself, but I know regret when I see it; there is nothing even remotely like it in your eyes, or in your tone... Remorseless, just like me.? A satisfied grin slowly spread across the man?s features as he dropped the piece of bamboo onto the the floor; the sound of wood hitting stone echoing faintly through the air for what seemed like a ridiculously long moment. Slowly and carefully he pulled a knife from his belt, raising the blade to eye level and staring at the sharp metal surface as it reflected the light of the torches. ?I was told once, that a person?s blood carries a part of every generation of their family line, so from the moment your heart starts to beat it carries a part of everyone who made your existence possible through your veins, to become a part of you for as long as you live. Because of that, some people believe that blood is something sacred. For me though... Blood never meant anything more than a pretty shade of red to paint the walls with.? Pulling his eyes from the knife he once again took in the sight of the woman before him; tears in her dress, dirt and blood staining her skin, bound wrists and bound ankles, messy black hair, beautiful green eyes sparkling in the darkness... He would remember her this way now, and not as a faceless figure walking away in the dark. This moment was his to keep forever.
Calmly he paced towards his captive until there was less than an inch of space between the two of them, long deep breaths leaving his body in a steady and continuous flow as he reached with his empty hand towards her face, causing her to wince and close her eyes. He stopped himself from touching her skin however, letting his hand hover just short from grazing her wounded cheek. Lowering his hand he took one last step towards her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against his chest, the tip of the knife pressed against her back. It wasn?t an affectionate gesture on his part. If there was any feeling at all behind it, it was aggression. He stood there for almost a full minute, his hold on her tight as if he meant to simply crush the life out of her, and then... He slowly pushed the knife through her skin, through her flesh, all the way to her heart, and then further; only stopping when he could actually feel the sharp end of the blade against his own chest. Still holding her tightly against his chest he could feel her body tense with the blade?s entrance and go limp once he pulled the knife away in one quick motion, dropping the weapon behind her back. And there he stayed, holding the woman close to him, feeling her heartbeats slowing into stillness and the sounds of her breath fading into silence. No words were spoken because he had nothing left to say to her. They were through.
When Luckas was younger he had heard someone say that the mother?s heartbeat was the first sound a baby hears upon entering the world, and as he grew older he had come to believe that somehow everything ends the same way it begins. Whether that was true or not was yet to be seen, but it was the one belief that gave him some sense of order and balance... Some certainty amongst what seemed to be a never ending stream of madness. We die as we live and we end our relationships in the same way they began. As we departure, we leave the world in the exact same state as we once discovered it... Nothing truly changes. Nothing truly ends.
Except maybe innocence; innocence always dies.
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NEW YORK (AP) ? There's a saying that you can't please all of the people all of the time. But apparently you can if they're holiday shoppers.
A survey released by the National Retail Federation on Sunday is showing that U.S. shoppers hit stores and websites at record numbers over the Thanksgiving weekend. They were attracted by stores' efforts to make shopping easier for everyone, including opening on Thanksgiving Day and expanding shipping and layaway options.
A record 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the four-day weekend starting Thanksgiving, according to the survey. That's up 9.2 percent from a year ago. Americans spent more too: The average holiday shopper spent $423 over the entire weekend, up from $398.
Total spending over the four-day weekend totaled $59.1 billion, up $52.4 billion in 2011.
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The finest fx investing education and learning displays how to make income day trading on the internet. It is essential that you learn forex trading before you commit your difficult gained income in it. The fun element of a demo trading account is that you can practice as extended as you need to have making use of paper money. It was only from January 1997 that even a prevalent male could have entry to the international trade market place (money industry in which the income is offered and bought freely constantly). Earlier, this area used to be accessed by only banking institutions and other commercial and expense corporations to make money. But now, with innovations in engineering, you, an person trader, can also trade in the foreign exchange market and make a whole lot of cash.
It is essential to understand the operational demands that you will require to consider benefit of this return-enhancing possible marketplace. You need to be acquainted with the fundamentals of the overseas forex buying and selling. It involves investigating economical, monetary and other qualitative and quantitative factors. These elements directly impact the price of the income of a region you are intended to trade with. Thus, it assists in understanding about any prospective volatility in the marketplace. Historical performances are deemed as the base of selecting about long term performances in fx trade by the forex trading technical analysis specialists. Adhering to this, they make use of foreign forex charts and technical forex indicators this sort of as chart grids, symbols, strains instruments, price channel tools, Fibonacci resources and Gann equipment to determine designs that can help them forecast future cost action.
Both basic and specialised aspects of the market get interlocked into skilled traders? minds.
You can also understand this market appropriately and can make a excellent bargain by using the proper choice at the proper time. As soon as you recognize the investing dynamics you can simply find the best forex trading trading trend ? regardless of whether the price is relocating up or down, and then make funds by getting and offering currencies on the internet. Currencies of the international locations that have secure governments, esteemed central banks and focus on very low inflation, are the most traded currencies. We also very suggest not to trade the currencies of the nations around the world that have political or economic problems, as they have fairly weaker currencies and your chances of creating income are diminished.
You can make your own investing schooling by recording everything relating to your trades. What you feel is a lot more crucial that you may well believe. You will uncover the psychology of buying and selling. It will assist you proper your behaviors and your pondering. You will be shock that what you will find out will go over and above your buying and selling.
So, what are you ready for? If you want to make earnings in the global forex trading market, then get involved by getting an energetic foreign currency trader and appreciate investing on the web.
The true opportunity lies in the truth that you are running a company that targets a huge, global market, is almost like jogging a lemonade stand, but rather of concentrating on the local market place and expecting to sell fifty lemonades a working day, you are focusing on a massive amount of individuals, and expect to promote 1000s of lemonades for every working day, this is the actual opportunity that on the internet forex trading trading gives, and all the individuals on the world are more or less fx traders! They are fx traders unknowingly, and they make transactions that have an effect on the forex market but also get afflicted by it, this happens when they shell out for their gasoline at the fuel station, when they e-book air tickets, or go on vacation, and when they get or market items to and from foreign nations around the world.
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One particularly effective affiliate marketing solution is ezine or newsletter marketing. This is a paid method of advertising your business and your site by laser targeting the type of people that you feel would be interested in your product or service.
There are ezines or newsletters out there written on any topic that you can think of, the challenge is finding the specific ezine or newsletter that deals with your particular subject and making sure there is a loyal subscriber base that is not inundated with advertising from the publisher. You can do a simple search on Google or Yahoo to find different ezines or newsletters that deal with the topic that you are looking for and contact the publisher about their subscriber base and their advertising methods and frequency.
Some guidelines to use when making a decision which publication to choose for advertising are:
1) Number of subscribers ? typically above 20,000 is a good number.
2) Number of new subscribers per week ? 1000 to 5000 is good.
3) How often the publisher sends out solo ads ? no more than one per week.
You will want to focus on placing solo ads, ads that go out to all or part of the subscribers as an email that contains only your ad and link to your site. This is the most expensive form of advertising that newsletters will offer, but the best conversion by far.
Having trouble finding an ezine or newsletter with the right content and the right number of subscribers that offers solo advertising? Check out ?Directory of Ezines? online for an up-to-date, comprehensive list of ezines with details of number of subscribers, types of advertising available and cost, links to the ezine site so you can check out back issues, and contact information for the publisher to ask further questions.
Once you have chosen an ezine or newsletter that fits with your business, you can purchase a solo ad and provide the copy and link that you would like to send to the subscriber base. Make sure this ad is short and sweet (some ezine publishers limit the amount of words you can submit), and peaks the interest of the reader wanting to learn more about your product or service. The most successful solo ads are also the shortest, so keep it brief to get the clicks to your site
Some general guidelines for solo ads:
In the subject line, identify a big goal or a big problem facing your target market (ex. ?build massive wealth online? ? or ? ?can?t get your web business going??).
Then in the body of ad, address the big goal or big problem briefly (ex. ?internet novice builds massive wealth using simple methods outlined in this program? ? or ? ?get your business rolling with simple methods outlined in this program?).
Then type something like, ?click the link to learn how to build massive wealth online?. Simple as 1-2-3, keep it short and not a ton of detail to get the clicks.
Dave Altman is an experienced internet marketer leveraging and teaching the latest internet tools and technology to build wealth on the web. Taking pride in keeping up with the latest tools on the web to reach people and expose your business online. Learn more at [].
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